Hotel Zeus Riobamba
Earthquake resistant building is currently the tallest Riobamba located in the geographical center and commercial heart, banking and tourism in the city, is a first-absolutely facilities renovated rooms and suites from 20 to 38 square meters, panoramic bathtubs allowing you to have a new and agradble experience with the geographical environment. We also have a spectacular 360 degree lookout living in penthhuse. The ten corridors of rooms exiben about 300 cultural objects framed and properly treated.
- Latitude: 1º 39' 51" S
- Longitude: 78º 39' 36" W
- Altitude: 2744
- Location City: Riobamba
- Photographer: Fabián Villagómez
- Company: Company Hotelera Arguello Altamirano Costales C.A.
- Contact: Paola Erazo, Belen Quiroz, Jorge Alcívar
- Address: Av. Daniel León Borja 41-29 & Duchicela
- Phone: (+593 3) 296 8036 / 296 8037 / 296 8038
- Fax: (+593 3) 296 2292
- Web:
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.