Hacienda Zuleta


The Main Plaza, finished the 15 of August of 1691, as the inscription above the wooden gate reads. Through out the centuries many visitors, traders, dancers and family have been impressed with its grandeur. It is during the Plaza Lasso family , who bought the hacienda in February 19th of 1898, that the Plaza was dressed with stone and flowers.

  • Latitude: 0º 12' 00" N
  • Longitude: 78º 04' 59" W
  • Altitude: 2875
  • Location City: Hacienda Zuleta - Comuna Zuleta - Imbabura
  • Address Local: A 30 minutos de Ibarra y 40 minutos de Otavalo
  • Photographer: Fabián Villagómez
  • Company: Zuturismo Cia. Ltda. (Hacienda Zuleta)
  • Contact: Fernando Polanco
  • Address: Hacienda Zuleta s/n Comuna Zuleta , Angochahua, Imbabura
  • Phone: (+593 6) 266 2232
  • Fax: (+593 6) 266 2182
  • Web: www.haciendazuleta.com
  • Email: fernando@haciendazuleta.com
  • Skype: Hacienda Zuleta
  • Facebook: www.facebook/HaciendaZuleta

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